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- Branches 20
- 69-use-becker-et-al-2019-model-for-kd-and-kcat
- master default protected
- mirdesign
- set-sast-config-1
- stable/1.2 protected
- stable/2.0 protected
- stable/2.1 protected
- stable/2.2 protected
- stable/2.3 protected
- stable/2.4 protected
- wip/becker
- wip/binding-energy-for-supp
- wip/fit-hill-curves
- wip/fit-ic50
- wip/fractions
- wip/gitlab-ci
- wip/kcat-for-cleavage-competent-sites
- wip/lima-et-al-2009
- wip/mid-bulge
- wip/miroe
- Tags 20
- v2.4.3
- v2.4.2
- v2.4.1
- v2.4.0
- v2.3.0
- v2.2.3
- v2.2.2
- v2.1.3
- v2.2.1
- v1.2.5
- v2.0.3
- v2.2.0
- v2.1.2
- v2.1.1
- v2.1.0
- v2.0.2
- v2.0.1
- v2.0.0
- v2.0.0-alpha
- v1.2.4
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