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Solve the steady-state using an enzymatic model

Guillaume Poirier-Morency requested to merge kappa into master

Created by: arteymix

From an exterior perspective, nothing changes much, but on the inside, we're revamping the model to solve for the steady-state of an enzymatic model.

From the API, miRBooking is useable with two steps: evaluate and step, which evaluate the current system (Jacobian for the steady-state or ODE) and perform a step toward the evaluated direction.

The model has two new parameters: \kappa and \lambda which are just there for unit scaling.


  • polish the numerical integration code and expose API
  • expose steady-state solvers (add --steady-state-solver to CLI & add some API)
  • add support for MKL Cluster Sparse Solver
  • provide some Jupyter notebooks for the Python API usage (covers #18 (closed))

Merge request reports