- gene: genomic element that encodes various transcripts
- target: RNA transcript
- position: offset on a transcript which matches the end of the microRNA seed
- microRNA: small RNA of about 22 nucleotides
For each possible quadruplet, our model predicts an equilibrium concentration `quantity` according to its equilibrium constant $K_m$. In particular, our solution satisfies:
$K_m = \frac{[E_m][S_{t,p}]}{[E_mS_{t,p}]}$
Where $[E_m]$ is the free concentration of microRNA $m$, $[S_{t,p}]$ is the free concentration of target site $(t, p)$ and $[E_mS_{t,p}]$ is the duplex formed at that particular location.
However, this is not exactly equal because the available substrate concentration is actually a bit more complicated to calculate since we have to account for overlapping sites.
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# Jointure, merge and concatenation
These three concepts are similar, but behave differently.
- jointure are fast and work on indexes
- merge are slow and work on columns
- concat is similar to a jointure, but require matching indexes and works with many dataframes and series
But first, let's automate the process of fetching data from miRBooking-scan so that we can study a couple of cell lines.