# iric-data IRIC Data Portal development effort ## Clients: R: https://gitlab.iric.ca/bioinfo_iric/riricdata Python: https://gitlab.iric.ca/bioinfo_iric/pyiricdata ## Dependencies - Python (> 3.6) - PostgreSQL (> 9.4) - Node (> 6.12) ## New DEV installation ```bash # Clone repo and install pypi packages cd <somewhere> git clone git@gitlab.iric.ca:bioinfo_iric/iric-data.git cd iric-data # Create a virtenv, py3 module add python/3.6.7 python -m venv .venv # Activate venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip # update pip version to latest pip install -r requirements.txt # Install node modules module add node npm install # run default gulp job to generate CSS/JS resources gulp # NB: gulp will keep running in "listening" mode, so open a new shell to keep going ``` ```SQL # DB setup ## (login to postgresql server) CREATE USER iric_data_user WITH PASSWORD 's0me_new_p4ssword'; CREATE DATABASE iric_data_dev; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE iric_data_dev TO iric_data_user; ``` ```bash ## Project requires the hstore extension be activated on the project's database ### Need to be admin on postgresql \c iric_data_dev CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; # END DB setup # update .env to local settings cp .env.example .env # Make edits to .env file (including db user passwd !) ``` ### Run project locally ```SQL # If you need to drop the DB tables # login postgreSQL server and connect to db DROP OWNED BY iric_data_user; ``` ```bash # with active virtenv ## Initial deploy: python manage.py migrate python manage.py populate_iric ## If NOT initial deploy (safe to run if no migrations exist) python manage.py migrate portal # Add initial (super) user python manage.py createsuperuser # Run without SSL python manage.py runserver # Site is now accessible at: # ``` ## Deploy ```bash git pull origin master gulp prod source .venv/bin/activate python manage.py collectstatic python manage.py migrate portal touch iric_data/wsgi.py ``` ## Initial Deploy ```bash # as adsoft, setup environment sudo yum remove mod_wsgi sudo yum install python34-devel sudo pip3 install mod_wsgi sudo mod_wsgi-express install-module sudoedit /etc/httpd/conf.d/aa.conf cd /var/www/private git clone git@gitlab.iric.ca:bioinfo_iric/iric-data.git cd python3 -m venv .venv_local source /var/www/private/iric-data/.venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt module add node npm install gulp prod cp .env.example .env # edit .env file python manage.py migrate sudo systemctl restart httpd ``` ## Translations Make sure your virtual environment is active ```bash django-admin makemessages -l fr emacs portal/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po # (or install gettext extension of choice) django-admin compilemessages ``` ## DB Migrations [Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/django-admin/#migrate) tl;dr ```bash python manage.py migrate portal [migration_name] ``` If migration_name is omitted, **ALL** migrations will be applied. Specify a migration_name to apply migrations **up to that one and no further**. This can be used to un-apply a migration. ## API Endpoints Returns list of datafiles based on dataset id, key and/or values present in annotation : - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-key/str:key/ - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-key/str:key/str:dataset/ - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-value/str:value/ - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-value/str:value/str:dataset/ - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-key-value/str:key/str:value/ - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-key-value/str:key/str:value/str:dataset - api/v1/datafiles/list/json/lookup-dataset/str:dataset Returns annotation for given datafile : - api/v1/datafiles/json/annotation/int:pk - api/v1/datafiles/json/annotation/slug:iric_data_id Returns metadata for given datafile : - api/v1/datafiles/json/metadata/int:pk - api/v1/datafiles/json/metadata/slug:iric_data_id Returns list of datasets : - api/v1/admin/str:sim/datasets/list/json/ - api/v1/my-datasets/list/json/ ## Links to various resources used in this project [Private Storage](https://pypi.org/project/django-private-storage/) [PostgreSQL HStore](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/contrib/postgres/fields/#hstorefield)